In 9 Minutes


Jennifer Sise Episode 9

The concept of trying can have a big influence on lots of different areas of your life and trying will ultimately help you get what you want.  Do you remember hearing the phrase “If at first you don't succeed, try try again” when you were a kid? I think there is something to it for sure!

Join me for 9 minutes for some new thoughts to consider around the idea and impact of giving something a try! 


Do you have questions you’d love to ask but don’t because you aren’t sure who to ask or you’d rather not let the world in on not having it all together? I am here for it! I can't wait to answer your questions. DM me on Instagram @jennifersise and I will answer your question on an episode soon.

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Here’s to more intentional connection and less grind … 9 minutes at a time!

Speaker 1:

If you had a dollar for every time you heard yourself or someone else say I don't have time for that, you'd probably be rich. I know life can feel like a circus, especially when you're trying to juggle it all, and I know what it's like to be pulled in a million different directions and to feel like there's never enough time to do all the things for all the people. But I really believe that what you want is possible. It just requires some decision making and intentional action. You truly can't make time or find time. You have to set it apart, and I'll show you how to make big moves and take game changing action nine minutes at a time. I'm Jennifer Seiss. I love helping impact-oriented women run their home life and business, gain traction in their day to day and have more time with the people they love the most. My heart is to share what I've learned along the way and help you get more of what you want out of your life and work. Every episode is designed to get you on your way to a quick win. So grab your favorite beverage, pull up a chair and let's start making more of your time. Hey there, and welcome to episode nine of the In Nine Minutes podcast. I'm Jennifer Seiss, and I can't wait to connect with you over the next nine minutes.

Speaker 1:

Do you remember hearing the phrase if at first you don't succeed, try, try again when you were a kid? I may have rattled that off a time or 10 to my kids when they were little too, and I'm sure that they loved it. Well, since I brought it up and we're on the subject of trying now here's a little something to think about. The other day, I woke up to an email in my inbox and it spurred me on to share this with you. I tell people all the time that one of the most important things about consumption is to pair it with action. So here I go, practicing what I preach. And the email started and out of the gate I thought oh, this is going to be about Spotify, cool. And then, since I know the writer and she's literally a content genius I got a strong sense that it would move quickly into a lesson for the masses, and sure enough it did. So here is a reminder that I picked up on from it that I am sharing with you Try, try, try. Sing that to the tune of in syncs bye, bye, bye, and thank me later If you have a Spotify account or an Instagram account, or a teenager or a college student.

Speaker 1:

It's very, very likely that over the last couple of weeks, you've seen a whole bunch of Spotify wrapped wallpaper just strewn about, and what started as a loyalty campaign for Spotify turned into a viral marketing campaign that has the whole world sharing it, and it had like the number of minutes you listened, your favorite genres and who your top artists were. Mine was Max Zeiss, obviously, and I would love to hear who your top artist was, so send me a DM and let me know. But Spotify tried something and look how far it got them. They literally started it as a loyalty campaign and they were using it to share some data with people to celebrate how much they were connected to Spotify. So, if you think about it, their little effort for a little loyalty campaign turned into this huge, huge viral marketing campaign just because they tried something. So the bottom line is try something, see if it hits. You never know. It may go viral. People might be sharing what you bring to the table all over the internet and the rest will be history.

Speaker 1:

It's tricky when it comes to trying something right. It's hard and challenging, and this fear of failing is something that hangs over people's heads. But what if you just went for it? In seventh grade, my son was on a soccer team and no one wanted to be the goalie. So he decided to try it. And if you know anything about soccer, you know that the goalie is a high stress position. You know that it's sometimes more stressful for the parents than the player, but it's a very high stress position and it was so cool just to see him go for it. He just tried it, he was willing to try it and while it was hard and challenging, he was learning a lot as he went and he just kept working at it and he tried it when no one else would and did great, and it made a big difference to his team.

Speaker 1:

The concept of trying applies to every area of your life. Remember the Wayne Gretzky quote that Michael Scott used in the office you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. So try that little dose of encouragement on for size today and try something. If something isn't working, try something new. And here are some examples If your kids or a grownup in your household won't eat broccoli, try offering them a different vegetable and bring that broccoli back later or not, because no one ever died from skipping broccoli for their whole life, or until they were 47 like me, which is a story for another day. If the way you're talking to your husband isn't working, try another way, or maybe try being quiet. If you want to learn Spanish, try it. If you want to change the way you feel about your style and how to show up differently, try. And if at first you don't succeed at that, dm me and I will hook you up with one of the best style coaches I know. No, seriously, I will hook you up with her. She's amazing.

Speaker 1:

If you want to start a business, try. If you want to start something new in your business, try it. If you want to take a Zumba class, if you want to feel better in your own skin and you know you need to get a handle on your health and feel like you've tried everything try something else. If you want to learn how to make sourdough bread or bake other cool things I mean, this bot makes my hands start to sweat personally, but you should try it and let me know how it goes. If you want to try doing something different than everyone else is doing, try it. You get the idea and 2023 is wrapping up soon.

Speaker 1:

And if you think back to what you wanted to do in 2023 and haven't quite done it yet, evaluate it. And if you still want to do it, even just a little bit, try it, just try it. I believe in you. I know you can do it. A lot can change in a short time and change starts with you, and there is still time to slip some change into 2023 if you start trying it today. And one more thing Before the words it's not possible, I just can't. There's no way I can do it Come out of your mouth.

Speaker 1:

I want you to take a quick minute and think about all of the things that would not be a thing if someone didn't try it. Think about the car you're driving, the cup of coffee you drank this morning, the shoes you're wearing, the computer you are listening to this on. How are all of those things treating you? Because they all started and came to be because someone tried something. You can totally do it. You can totally do whatever is on your list to try. You just have to try it. I want you to consider taking nine minutes today to brain dump a list of things you want to try, just with no barriers and no boundaries, just brain dump. All of the things that you want to try, and the sky is truly the limit.

Speaker 1:

Here and after you have your list, I want you to highlight some that really stand out to you, that you really want to take action on, and I want you to write one action down next to it that you can take towards giving whatever that is a try. So if you want to build more intentional connection with your kids, for example, you are going to need to set apart the time to do it. If you want to learn how to sew, you're probably going to have to take action towards taking a lesson. If you want to be better at singing, you're going to have to take a voice lesson or two, or maybe 10, depending on who you are, but you get the idea. Whatever you want to try doing, you can do it. You just have to try it and it's going to take some decision making and intentional action. So if you could try anything, if you could try anything, what would it be? I cannot wait to hear what you are going to try and I hope that you think back to the beginning of 2023 and take action towards something you wanted to try and can look back on December 31st and think, pan, I wanted to do that in 2023. And I did because there is still time to try.

Speaker 1:

Thanks so much for listening today. Do you have questions you'd love to ask, but don't because you aren't sure who to ask or you'd rather not let the world in on not having it all together? I get it. I get lots of questions all the time, from parenting to business development, to Bible study recommendations to the best meal to serve a crowd and even how to navigate hard conversations. My husband and kids call me Google and since I'm a problem solver by nature and love research, it sort of fits. So I am so excited to answer your questions. You can share your questions with me by DMing me on Instagram at Jennifer Seiss and I'll answer your questions on an upcoming episode. So here's to more intentional connection and less grind. Nine minutes at a time.